Watch Some Weird and Funny Pictures of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Everybody knows the perfect beautiful side of former miss world Aishwarya Rai, Very few have seen her Crazy Pictures with lots of Expressions!

Aishwarya Rai rules over millions of hearts across the world. She is considered one of the most beautiful Diva. Her amazing red carpet looks skips everybody’s heart.

Even in her college days, her beauty uses to amaze everyone. One of her old college friends revealed few secrets about her, she said, “Guys struck by her beauty would come and stand at the college gates as she was strikingly beautiful even then.”

Her companion additionally uncovered, “She would go via train and board at ‘Khar’ station. Some of the time, we would walk to college together. Boys and girls would stop to take a gander at her in amazement!”

Her friend likewise uncovered that she was never on schedule for the class, She had a major gathering of companions who were in every case late to class and sat at the back. But, they’d sit at the front in Physics class because the teacher was very strict and Aishwarya wanted to impress her!”

Her friend further continued, “She was the apple of all the teachers’ eyes, especially the Physics lecturer who encouraged her to appear in the college magazines.



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